
Ensuring the competencies of seafarers: PHILCAMSAT receives TESDA Assessment Center Accreditation

PHILCAMSAT is proud to announce that it has formally been certified as an Assessment Center by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for Ships' Catering Services NCI and Ships' Catering NCIII. The certificate was formally received by Mr. Arsenio II O. Trinidad, Training Manager of PHILCAMSAT, together with Mr. Eduardo E. Pelisigas Jr., Culinary and Hospitality Head of PHILCAMSAT, from TESDA District Director Cariza A. Dacuma at the TESDA Central Office in Taguig City last March 21, 2024.

The purpose of the assessment process is to seek and determine whether the graduate or worker can perform to the standards expected in the workplace based on the defined competency standards.

The certification is provided to those who meet the competency standards that will support the candidates for national and international opportunities.

The certification was granted following an audit of the Center conducted last March 05, 2024.

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